(1) Size
Please kindlyread size chart before purchase! Different countries have different sizes, choose the size according to your foot length.
If items you received are not suitable for your size,pls feel free to contact us soon.
ussian friends, please provide your national, Brazilian friends, please provide your CPF number
(2) Shipping Information
Mostly, we will ship your itemswithin 7days after confirmation of paymment.
But if some are out of stock or bad weather or other reasons, we will contact you at first time, and you can keep waiting for it or change others color/style/to replace or refund.
We use Aliexpress Standard and E
-PACKET Shipping,If you want to use others, this product will not be issued, Please understand that the inconvenience caused to you.
(3) Payment
The current platform supports buyers pay throughcredit card (RMB channel and the dollar channel), WebMoney (WM), TT remittance, Western Union, Qiwi wallet, Brazil Boleto, SOFORT Banking.
(4)Return & Refund Policy
When you receive the goods, pleaseexamineit immediately whether it matches your order.If something is unsatisfied, please contact us to solve problems.
If you want to exchange the items received, you must contact us in 7 days of the receipt of your order. You should pay the additional shipping fees incurred and the items returned should be kept in their original status.
If the product is already worn, we will no longer provide a return service because it has affected the second sale. Thank you for your understanding.
If you are not satisfied with the product, please contact us immediately and we will do our best to help you solve the problem.
If you are satisfied with the product, please give us a 5 stars feedback!
Your praise will bring us great encouragement.We will continue to improve and provide better service to our customers.
Thanks for your support.
>>>Dear friends: | In general, we will send shoes without a shoe box.If you need a shoe box, you must leave us a message. |
Shipping cost: | |
Most of countries arefree shipping by Aliexpress Standard and E-PACKET Shippingmethod: |
ข้อมูลเฉพาะ เสื้อผ้าและรองเท้ากีฬาเด็กชาย
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- ร้านค้า goto696
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goto696★★★ Review:
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ขอขอบพระคุณที่เข้ามาเยี่ยมชมและอ่านข้อเสนอแนะของเราในการช้อปปิ้ง สินค้า ขอให้คุณสนุกในการทำรายการสั่งซื้อสินค้าออนไลน์ และ ได้รับสิ่งของตามที่คุณต้องการนะคะ
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