Brand Name: | Baofeng |
Product parameters: | |
Product name: | Baofeng T-615 PLUS |
Model: | T-615 PLUS |
Color classification: | standard (with headphones) |
Intercom category: | Handset |
Maximum talk distance: | 3km-5km (including 5km) |
With or without display: | none |
Whether it can be located: | No |
Smart type: | does not support smart |
Battery capacity: | 1500mAh |
Whether explosion-proof: | No |
Warranty period: | 6 months |
Intercom power: | 5W (not included) -8W (inclusive) |
Intercom Mechanism: | Simulation |
Frequency range: | U segment |
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- SKU 1043192660_TH
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